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Focus 3:23 Use Your Focus By Video Advice
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ROME (AP) Mario Draghi, the man largely credited with saving the euro currency, took the helm as Italys premier Saturday after assembling a government of economic experts and other technocrats along with career politicians from across the spectrum to guide the pandemic-devastated nation toward recovery.
Draghi and his 23 Cabinet ministers took their oaths of office at the Quirinal presidential palace. Italian President Sergio Mattarella had tasked the former European Central Bank president with trying to form a government up to managing the the health, economic and social crises of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Solution-focused consulting is an approach to organizational change management that is built upon the principles and practices of solution-focused therapy. While therapy is for individuals and families, solution-focused consulting is being used as a change process for organizational groups of every size, from small teams to large business units.
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In deference to coronavirus precautions, all participants in the swearing-in ceremony were masked, and a palace aide provided each minister with a fresh pen to sign their oath. Draghi made no public comments during the first hours of his premiership, and his eyes showed no discernible emotion over his N95 mask.
Draghis most-quoted words so far have been those uttered in 2012 when the euro-zone risked collapsing in a crisis of confidence and he vowed the European Central Bank would do whatever it takes to rescue the euro.
The current head of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, tweeted her congratulations. I wish him all the best as he takes on the task ahead, leading the government in the best interests of all Italian citizens, she said.
Also tweeting good wishes was the European Unions top executive, Ursula von der Leyen, who called Draghis experience an exceptional asset for Italy Europe. She said she was looking forward to working with Draghi for our common recovery. .
Draghi, 73, an economist who also previously led Italys central bank, replaced now-former Premier Giuseppe Conte, whose government collapsed after a small party yanked support over the handling of the pandemic. Broad political backing for the new Cabinet will be crucial in the Italian Parliament, where Draghi next week must win mandatory confidence votes.
With pandemic lockdowns pummeling Italys long-stagnant economy, he chose for his economy minister a non-political appointee, Daniele Franco, an expert in public finances who has served in Italian central bank posts.
Eager to have some role in deciding how Italy will spend some 209 billion euros (about $250 billion) in European Union recovery funds, politicians from parties that have spent years demonizing each other set aside differences, at least for now, and agreed to join a Draghi government.
The prospect of funneling EU money into concrete projects to improve citizens lives practically overnight transformed the euroskepticism of Matteo Salvini, the right-wing League leader, into a publicly enthusiastic pro-Europe proponent of a Draghi government.
Salvini didnt get a ministry himself, but three League stalwarts did, including longtime aide and lawmaker Giancarlo Giorgetti, who was put in charge of the economic development ministry. Italy urgently needs to bolster businesses knocked to the ground by the governments anti-pandemic measures, which shuttered stores, shopping malls, restaurants and cafes for weeks.
With tourism accounting for some 13 of Italys gross domestic product, the pandemic obliterated a significant chunk of the economy. The new government will have a tourism Ministry from the previous culture ministry.
A League senator heads the new tourism post. Keeping the reins of the culture ministry is Dario Franceschini, a high-profile Democrat who revitalized Italys museums to attract many more visitors.
The EU funds are contingent on projects aimed at reforming Italys bureaucratic institutions, creating new jobs, especially for young people, and transforming the nation digitally and environmentally. Watermark sense 1 3 1 download free .
Italys slow and complex justice system is often blamed for discouraging business investment. The new justice minister is Marta Cartabia, former president of Italys constitutional court. How to revamp the Justice Ministry fueled feuding within Contes last coalition.
Italys health minister through the pandemic, Roberto Speranza, kept his post, the sole minister from a small left-wing party.
File cabinet pro 4 1 5 . Ministry posts were handed out to four parties that were in Contes imploded coalition, including a small centrist party led by ex-Premier Matteo Renzi, whose defection triggered the political crisis ultimately resolved by Draghis arrival on the scene.
The biggest party in the Italian Parliament, the populist 5-Star Movement, has the most political posts in Draghis Cabinet, four.
Born as an anti-establishment movement, the Movement was already splintering after being the lead party in back-to-back Conte governments since 2018 one right-leaning and the other left-leaning. Its decision to join a Draghi government threatened to widen the fractures in the Movement, with roots in distrust of Brussels.
Clinching populists support for Draghi was the former central bankers creation of a ministry of ecological transition. The new post will be headed by a physicist and technology champion, Roberto Cingolani.
Voice pitch changer online. Back in government after a decade with three ministry posts is the center-right Forza Italia party, led by Silvio Berlusconi, the former premier who bills himself as a staunch champion of Europe.
Ex-Premier Conte, a mediation specialist lawyer who heads no party, is riding high in opinion polls from his 2 1/2 years in office. Many observers consider him ripe to form his own party ahead of the next general election, which is scheduled for 2023 but could come sooner given the political tensions among existing parties.
As Conte strode through the courtyard of Chigi Palace on his way out, career employees of the premiers office, from bureaucrats to ushers, leaned out of windows to warmly applaud.
This story has been corrected to show that employees applauded for Conte, not Draghi. . The systems approach
Identifying possible outcomes for young people
The systems approach In applying a broader perspective on drug use and harm minimisation, a young person's drug use can be viewed within a holistic context. The youth-focused systems approach is a useful framework as it helps you to take into account a broad range of factors that impact on young people and their AOD use. Sometimes our tendency is to focus solely on the AOD use, without taking into account the context of that use (e.g. family, peer and/or community factors) which can be very important influences on a young person's pattern of AOD use.
This module will deal largely with interventions aimed at individual factors Focused 365 . However, it is important to be aware of the other aspects of the system, even when dealing with the young person in a one-on-one context, because those factors may influence the outcomes that you are trying to achieve with the young person. No-one exists in isolation.
The following diagram illustrates the factors that influence a young person's life. Each of the factors involves a complex array of influences and situations which can serve as protective or risk factors. These factors can influence the health and wellbeing outcomes for that individual.
Diagram 1: Youth focused systems approach Top of page Text version of Diagram 1 Focus 3:23 Use Your Focus By Video Advice This diagram shows the risk protective factors that contribute to possible outcomes:
Local community factors
Societal political issues
Family factors
Individual characteristics
School peer factors. Identifying possible outcomes for young people Writing exercise Question - What are some of the possible influences on a young person and their AOD use? Consider your responses in accordance with the categories in the above model. (e.g. individual characteristics physical health, values beliefs, family factors, abuse and neglect, etc).
Question - Review the youth-focused systems model below. Were your suggested outcomes similar to those listed in the model?
Diagram 2: Youth focused systems approach
Large image of Diagram 2 (GIF 73KB)Top of page Text version of Diagram 2 Sogor Duo This diagram shows the risk and protective factors that contribute to possible outcomes.
Possible outcomes include: nature of relationships; health and wellbeing; life opportunities (e.g. education and work); criminal and legal consequences; AOD use and related harm; social inclusion or marginalisation. 3 & 2 Baseball Shawnee Mission Ks
Focused 3 2 Player Games Risk and protective factors include:
Local community factors : population density; housing conditions; urban/rural area; neighbourhood violence and crime; cultural norms, identity and ethnic pride; opportunities for social development; recreational and support services; demographic and economic factors; connectedness or isolation.
School and peer factors : peer connectedness; school climate and culture; school attendance; opportunities for social connection; norms and values of peers and school; friendships and interests; educational approach/methods; school discipline and structure.
Individual characteristics : personality and intelligence; gender; cultural background; physical and mental health; social skills and self esteem; sexual behaviour/sexuality; alcohol and drug use; criminal involvement; living situation/homelessness; values and beliefs.
Family factors : abuse and neglect; family dysfunction; patterns of communication; family income/employment; parents' mental and physical health; consistency of connection; family values, beliefs and role models; family discipline and structure; extended/nuclear family; family size.
Societal and political issues : laws of society; socio-economic climate; availability of services; social values and norms; social/cultural practices and traditions; popular culture (e.g. movies and music); government ideology and policies; role of media and advertising.
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